Foto: Gesco: Meeting von Geschäftsleuten in einem Büro

Compliance in the GESCO Group

GESCO has a comprehensive understanding of compliance: adherence to the law and internal rules is a matter of course for us and part of our corporate culture. Compliance creates the framework for entrepreneurial behaviour and serves to ensure the long-term success of the business.

Values such as reliability, honesty, credibility and integrity are not just empty words for us, but characterise our corporate DNA. This standard applies right from the development of our strategic compliance measures and must be shared and consistently lived by all employees as a culture of values. Our managers, who bear corporate compliance responsibility, have a special responsibility in this regard.

A key component of our value culture is a written code of values. This value-orientated cooperation is anchored in GESCO's mission statement. With its Compliance Commitment, the Executive Board is clearly committed to rejecting violations of any kind. This unequivocal commitment is supplemented by a Code of Conduct and various guidelines.

Our Code of Conduct summarises the basic rules and principles that result from our self-image and apply to all employees.

Code of conduct

Whistleblower system 

In connection with the Code of Conduct, GESCO SE has set up a whistleblower system that is also available to external parties. It gives you the opportunity to inform us about violations of legal regulations or compliance rules and thus contribute to their detection. For example, you can provide us with information on cases of fraud, bribery offences, antitrust violations or breaches of the Money Laundering Act. If you have specific, well-founded indications of serious legal violations or breaches of regulations within GESCO Group, you can contact GESCO SE via our external ombudsman. 
GESCO SE has appointed Mr Stephan Rheinwald, lawyer, for this purpose. Mr Rheinwald accepts information from all GESCO Group employees and third parties (e.g. business partners or customers) regarding suspected criminal offences or other violations of laws and regulations relating to GESCO Group. The whistleblower does not incur any costs or legal fees for this. At the request of the whistleblower, the ombudsman will protect the whistleblower's identity to the best of his or her ability. Every report received is treated confidentially and investigated by specially trained persons. 


Stephan Rheinwald 
Compliance Officer Services GmbH 
Willy-Brandt-Allee 18 
53113 Bonn 

Phone +49 228 35036-290 
Fax. +49 228 35036-292 

Responsible corporate governance promotes trust 

Corporate governance stands for the responsible management and control of companies geared to long-term value creation. Important aspects are efficient cooperation between Executive Board and Supervisory Board, openness and transparency in corporate communications, and safeguarding of shareholders’ interests. Good corporate governance promotes the trust that investors, the financial markets, business partners, employees and the public have in GESCO. 

GESCO SE essentially conforms to the recommendations of the German Corporate Governance Code. Company-specific areas of divergence are explained in the Declaration of Compliance 2024. The Corporate Governance Report is available for the respective financial year in the Financial Reports section.

Articles of Association of GESCO SE

Rules of Procedure Supervisory Board GESCO AG

System of the Supervisory Board Remuneration

Remuneration system for the members of the Executive Board